
Is Heat Bad for Mastitis?

Should we be avoiding heat on mastitis? If you’re reading this while nursing, pumping, or thinking about how to ease that soreness in your breast—first, take a deep breath. Mastitis is no fun (we know!), but the good news is that you’re not alone, and there are ways to ease the discomfort. One common question … Read more

What’s really happening when mastitis occurs?

The physiological process the body goes through when you get mastitis is pretty interesting! Usually, the first time you hear about mastitis, is when you are experiencing it for yourself. It can be a whirlwind time. But what’s really happening when mastitis occurs? Strap yourselves in ladies, we’re about to break down some science here. … Read more

What breastfeeding women NEED to know about mastitis

Hands up breastfeeding mamas, who’s suddenly noticed your boob hurts, its super red and you’re crashing bad with a fever? You’re googling your symptoms (hey, maybe that’s how you found this article?) and it’s sinking in that it’s probably mastitis. The fear and panic sets in, you’ve heard other mums talk about how horrible and … Read more

What is milk stasis and why breastfeeding mums need to know about it?

What is milk stasis? Milk stasis is the lack of milk flow in breastfeeding women causing a buildup of milk in the ducts. Basically, the milk is stagnant. Think of it like a pond, where water doesn’t flow. Why do you need to know about it? Well, simply put, milk stasis is the cause of … Read more

Do you have Mastitis Symptoms?

Are you wondering if you have mastitis symptoms? Firstly, poor you but let’s look into it together. Being extremely common to develop in the breastfeeding population (direct feeders & pumpers), mastitis symptoms occur in up to 30% of breastfeeding women.  Realising mastitis development early can make a lot of difference because you can start working … Read more

Christmas Cheer With a Side of Mastitis

A side of Mastitis at Christmas… Doesn’t sound very fun does it!?  Christmas is usually a time of joy and fun. Plus, you have your baby to show off to relatives and friends! And yet, many women find themselves in a bit of a pickle with their unfortunate side of mastitis over Christmas. Which is … Read more