What’s really happening when mastitis occurs?

The physiological process the body goes through when you get mastitis is pretty interesting! Usually, the first time you hear about mastitis, is when you are experiencing it for yourself. It can be a whirlwind time. But what’s really happening when mastitis occurs? Strap yourselves in ladies, we’re about to break down some science here. … Read more

What breastfeeding women NEED to know about mastitis

Hands up breastfeeding mamas, who’s suddenly noticed your boob hurts, its super red and you’re crashing bad with a fever? You’re googling your symptoms (hey, maybe that’s how you found this article?) and it’s sinking in that it’s probably mastitis. The fear and panic sets in, you’ve heard other mums talk about how horrible and … Read more

How can a manual therapist help you with mastitis?

There is help for mastitis with manual therapy I totally understand your search right now, looking for how a manual therapist for mastitis might hopefully end the nightmare. Well there are definitely avenues that are unfortunately not well known, but I will make it super clear so you understand what to look for in a … Read more

Do I have to stop breastfeeding with mastitis?

You DO NOT need to stop breastfeeding with mastitis. There you go. Straight to the point my friend. Now I will tell you why. Mastitis can either be inflammatory or an infection in the breast tissue. This is NOT occurring in the milk itself. In fact the milk has escaped where it being held or … Read more