
Wondering if you have mastitis?

You’ve probably heard of mastitis, but in the whirlwind of motherhood, you might be wondering, "How do I know if I have it?" Between sleepless nights and endless feedings, it’s easy to overlook some early signs. Let’s take a dive into what mastitis is, how to spot it, and what to do next.

What Is Mastitis, Anyway?

First things first, mastitis is an inflammation of your breast tissue. In plain mum-speak: your milk isn’t removed effectively and the body freaks out and sends all its immune responses your way! Not fun, right? Don’t worry—it’s common (even if you haven’t heard much about it until your own experience) and treatable!

The Signs to Watch For

Here’s the thing: mastitis can sneak up on you, so catching it early is key! Here’s how to tell if you might be dealing with it:

  1. Breast Pain: You might feel a sharp or throbbing pain in one breast (usually not both but it can happen). It’s not just soreness from nursing; this is more like, "Ouch, feels like a punch to the boob…"
  2. Redness and Swelling: Your breast may look a little flushed and feel warm to the touch—like it’s blushing with embarrassment. For some, it’s like the breast is on fire, super red and spicy! For darker skin tones, you may be looking for discolouration over redness.
  3. Lumps or Hard Spots: If you feel something like a hard pea or marble under your skin, or a wedge shaped area of congestion.
  4. Flu-Like Symptoms: Achy, feverish, chills? You might feel like you’re coming down with the flu, but surprise—it could be mastitis instead. Time to grab the thermometer!
  5. Fatigue: Yes, you’re already tired (hello, mum life!), but if your tiredness feels extra draining, it could be linked to mastitis.

Quick clinical observation:

We’ve treated thousands of cases of mastitis and the thing is, the spectrum of symptoms is so wide. Some mums start with immediate fever and horrid flu symptoms, other may have pin point breast pain before other symptoms progress. Everyone is so different but remember, it’s all relative!

What to Do If You Think You Have Mastitis:

If you’ve checked off a few of these symptoms, it’s time to act. The good news is, you don’t need to stop breastfeeding—quite the opposite. Continuing to nurse or pump can actually helps keep things moving and prevents ongoing mastitis. Here’s what you can do:

  • Keep Feeding: Yes, it might feel uncomfortable, but regular breastfeeding or expressing will keep milk flowing and signal your body that it needs to continue producing milk for your little one.
  • Warm Compress Before, Cold After: A warm compress before nursing can help get the milk moving, while a cool pack after can reduce inflammation and soothe discomfort. Some feel further discomfort with warm compress, if this is you, stop using heat and stick to cold!
expressing milk | avoid a bleb
Katie Stretching
  1. Massage (Gently!): Massaging the area to the lymphatic system (our body’s personal waste removal system) can help clear unwanted swelling, but be gentle—your body is doing a lot right now! Check out Mastitis Rescue for our video tutorials on exactly how to do this!
  2. Stay Hydrated and Rested: Drink plenty of water and grab naps when you can. Your body needs extra support to heal. No time for naps? We get it, just step away from the vacuum cleaner… that one can wait!

When to see a doctor:

If your symptoms become uncontrollable, or you feel worse (especially after the initial 24-48 hours), or the pain intensifies despite your best efforts, call your doctor. Mastitis can sometimes turn into a bacterial infection, which may need antibiotics or further treatment. Always better to be safe!

How to Avoid Mastitis in the Future

Mastitis is sneaky, but there are ways to keep it from making a comeback:

  • Frequent Feeding: Don’t let milk build up for too long; offer the breast regularly, even if your baby seems content.
  • Switch Sides: Alternate breasts during feeds to ensure both sides get equal love.
  • Check the Latch: Make sure your little one is latching correctly, as improper feeding can lead to nipple damage (ouch!) and increase infection risk.
  • Wear the Right Bra: Skip the tight bras and underwires, as they can restrict milk flow and encourage blockages.
Breastfeeding | Breastfeeding challenges

You've got this mama!

Mastitis is a temporary road bump in your breastfeeding journey, but you’ve got this, mama! Keep an eye out for those early signs, take action quickly, and don’t hesitate to call your healthcare provider if you need backup. Mastitis may be a pain (literally), but it doesn’t stand a chance against a mum on a mission!

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Author: Elise Fuller

Osteopath & Your Two Jugs Co-Founder

your two jugs co-founders

Elise Fuller & Katie Willy

Osteopaths & Your Two Jugs Co-Founders

Elise & Katie are Melbourne based osteopaths who have been actively treating breastfeeding women in clinic since 2015. During 2020 lockdown they launched Your Two Jugs to educate more mamas about how to treat their own mastitis, blocked ducts and engorgement. Their online video based courses Boobology and Mastitis Rescue is available now with all the techniques we show our mamas in clinic.

Your Two Jugs is passionate about support for mamas from the top. Boob Hero is a comprehensive health care practitioner course to educate manual therapists on their contribution to supporting breastfeeding women with hands on care. Empowerment all starts with education, and the more support available for women, the better.

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