
Get to the bottom of your breastfeeding health struggle, with...


12 MONTH Subscription

Simply COPY the best clinical techniques demonstrated on video, in this easy-to-follow ONLINE COURSE!

NO MORE UNCERTAINTY with Blockages, Mastitis, Engorgement AND MORE as we spoon-feed you everything your need!!


your two jugs co-founders

Inside you'll learn -

Exactly how we, as clinical practitioners, treat breastfeeding mamas on a daily basis - we know our stuff!

How to perform the exact same techniques on your own breast tissue with confidence

The mistakes most mamas make with breast massage PLUS how & why you should do it differently!

How to advance your breast treatment skills FAST to help you improve your breast health ASAP.

PLUS all the prevention techniques we've developed over years of clinical practice

"Boobology is a lifesaver. Even the lactation consultants and midwives I saw to deal with my multiple rounds of mastitis never got down to the particulars of what was going on in my body."


Have you tried to google mastitis to get some info? It's a shambles out there.

We are CHANGING THAT for women like you all around the globe.

When women are clearly informed about 'what's wrong', and then shown an easy-to-implement clinical strategy, they are capable of impressive outcomes for their own breast health!

And these mamas agree with us!!

So, WHO are we??

your two jugs co-founders

We are Elise & Katie from Your Two Jugs
(and the Melbourne Mastitis Clinic)

Hi. (insert wave here)

HOW do WE know all of this about breasts??

We've dedicated years to studying and feeling breastfeeding breasts and the issues that occur in 1000's of women, all in our Melbourne Mastitis Clinic, Australia.

We're Australian university-educated professional health care practitioners.

From our breast-nerd studies & clinical work, our skills lie in explaining the breast issues in easy language & teach breastfeeding mamas how to help themselves.

We are here to teach you too!

Take a closer look!

boobology banner
Module -1

How Does Your Breast Work?

We explain your breast structure & function in simple language

  • Why your breast framework is so important in breast health
  • Learn what feeds the health of your breast
  • How your breast DRAINS when you get mastitis , blockages & engorgement
  • How your super amazing hormones function and their impact
Module -2


Unpack the mystery that surrounds mastitis:

  • How mastitis develops - the real physical process
  • Differences between inflammatory mastitis and infectious mastitis
  • Our unique mastitis massage techniques anyone can learn
  • Our clinical treatment plan to follow to recovery
Module -3

Blocked Ducts / Blebs

Blocked ducts & blebs explained from new information that was released in 2022

  • Signs & symptoms to look out for
  • Why you don't massage hard and in which direction?
  • Our go-to treatment approach for blockages
  • A plan to get past it - what you should do & when
Module -4


There are 2 types of engorgement - why they are different?

  • What's happening under the skin - HINT: it's not all milk!
  • How to treat either type of engorgement to get relief
  • A treatment plan to follow so there's no guessing what to do
Module -5

Prevention Techniques

No question, this is our favourite module

  • 7 techniques that add strength to treating mastitis, blockages and engorgement
  • Then use them to reduce your risk of recurring issues
  • ALL about breast health. Our complete set of "go-to's" to solve the frustrating issues
  • The fastest way to turn recurrent mastitis around by working on the foundation health of your breast!

BUT we have more to explain than just that. So we have added a bucket-load of bonuses in to give you more understanding of this BIG picture we talk about.

Check out the bonuses below...

What's being said about Boobology?

Boobology is a lifesaver!

This was the first course that helped give me the knowledge I've been looking for!

Women of every walk of life need this information!

Breastfeeding Mama's Are Jumping on Board The Your Two Jugs Approach because it MAKES SENSE!

Enrol in Boobology Today

$115 / + GST in Aust.

  • 12 MONTH subscription
  • Watch at your own pace
  • The ONLY practical course of its kind for MAMAS
  • Clear tutorial videos so it's easy to apply


Bonus 1

The Mama Posture Corrector

  • It's a whole module in itself!
  • We explain why posture is crictical to breast health
  • Provide you with 6 easy-to-learn exercises for your success

What mama doesn't need this right! Why is this so important in Boobology? Your breast is connected to the rest of your body by tissues that can impact it's function. That impact can be posture issues. This module is NOT really an ADD-ON...in our eyes it's an essential part of whole breast health!

Bonus 2

The Antibiotics Conversation & Mastitis

  • Explained in a simple flowchart format when mastitis benefits from antibiotics
  • AND when it doesn't!
  • The clinical process we have followed for years to know when to seek antibiotics
  • Removing the mystery of mastitis & antibiotics

Antibiotics & mastitis has got to be one of the most contentious topics but we will make it so CLEAR for you here. There is genuine detail explaining where antibiotics are so fantastic BUT also where they are simply no use to you.

Bonus 3

DOWNLOADABLE Treatment Plans

  • Let's make treating the breast SIMPLE!
  • Unique treatment plans for mastitis, blocked ducts, engorgement & even one to help you use the prevention techniques
  • Simply follow the recipe
Bonus 4

Clearing the Confusion with Weaning & Mastitis

  • What do if you get an issue with mastitis when you are weaning
  • Easily navigate the process with this information
Bonus 5

Nipple Vasospasm Techniques

  • Did you know that the only muscle in the breast exists in the nipple & areola!
  • What do you do with nipple vasospasm? Find out here!
  • Just remember to be gentle and follow the video instructions
Bonus 6

Management of Breast Abscess

  • Yes, abscesses can result from mastitis but it doesn't mean an end to breastfeeding
  • Go over our best practice management of abscesses
Bonus 7

Improving Breast Health for Increased Supply

  • Let's take a look at another way to help your body increase supply
  • Looking inside your body you may find the answers as to why milk production has felt like a tricky process
Bonus 8

Reducing Milk Supply & Avoiding Mastitis

  • Whether you have an oversupply that you need to down-regulate OR you are trying to wean and not get mastitis, we have the strategy for you
  • Our look into this issue will assist you in understanding what you need to do and why our process for reducing supply can make all the difference
Bonus 9

Pumping Tips for Breast Health

  • Pumping provides a fantastic way for mamas to continue to feed their baby, build supply, and manage milk
  • BUT it can also cause issues. Here are some basic tips to reduce the risk of trauma to the breast with pumping.

See again WHY mamas LOVE Boobology...

 "The Mastitis Masterclass is fantastic. It helped me manage recurring mastitis symptoms and helped me feel more in control of my breast health after a long struggle of feeling powerless and answerless."

Louise, SA, Australia

"I was always searching for reasons why I kept getting recurrent blocked ducts and never could find a good reason why. I was also always looking for preventive measures and could also never find them. This was the first course that helped give me the knowledge I've been looking for!"

Chelsea, NY, USA

"Women of every walk of life need this information!"


"Boobology taught me about my own biology, modeled specific hands-on techniques (so helpful to actually *see* massage techniques!), and made sure I understood the nuances between different breast issues and their treatment."

Jessica, Arizona, USA

"I found all of it helpful. The anatomy made sense why you need to do things. The demonstrations etc were great"

Maria Teresa, Melbourne, Australia

Just stop and reflect on this for a moment...

...consider the investment we make in learning & planning the birth which lasts hours.

How does this contrast in investment in breast education for the success of breastfeeding? They are often vastly different!

Breastfeeding has the potential to last years, BUT what have you been taught so far about the true function of the breast & common issues that can go wrong?

Our guess is a big lot of nothing!

This is one of the reasons for breastfeeding health turmoil (head in hands sigh).

Boobology fills this GAP for breastfeeding & pumping mamas.

It exposes the MISSING info you haven't been taught anywhere else.

And you can start learning RIGHT NOW.

Enrol in Boobology Today

$115 / + GST in Aust.

  • 12 MONTH subscription
  • Watch at your own pace
  • The ONLY practical course of its kind for MAMAS
  • Clear tutorial videos so it's easy to apply


In Boobology we break down complex anatomy in a way that's super engaging and easy-to-understand.

Designed to fit perfectly for a busy mama to digest in our bit-sized videos.

You'll receive instant access to everything you need to treat your breasts tissue right now AND how to prevent issues occurring again!

boobology banner

Mastitis Module inc treatment techniques 

Blocked Ducts & Blebs Module inc more treatment techniques

Engorgement Module inc treatment techniques

PREVENTION techniques to reduce recurrence!

LEARN about your breast structure, workings & hormones! 

How your Muscles & Bones influence your breast health (posture!!)

BONUS MODULE: 6 exercises to work on that mum posture

BONUS: Best practice management of breast abscess

BONUS: Making sense of Antibiotics & Mastitis

BONUS: Weaning through mastitis guidance

BONUS: Printable treatment plans for the big 3 issues inc. mastitis

BONUS: Nipple pain & vasospasm techniques for relief

BONUS: Ways to physically increase milk supply

BONUS: How to reduce Milk Supply & AVOID mastitis

BONUS: Pumping tips for breast health!!

Boobology is the most comprehensive course mamas will find to understand their breast AND treat it confidently with clinical techniques.

Clearly demonstrated & explained by professional therapists that do this treatment as a day-job!

Enrol in Boobology Today

$115 / + GST in Aust.

  • 12 MONTH subscription
  • Watch at your own pace
  • The ONLY practical course of its kind for MAMAS
  • Clear tutorial videos so it's easy to apply

I'm almost ready!
I just have a few more Questions!

(Have another Q? Shoot us an email via our contact for on our website!!)

You wont have tried this. Think about this...who has actually truly explained the process of your issue and how all the anatomy of the breast creates the scenario? It will be no one. We know this because we can't find anyone doing what we do either!!

It's not a big issue once you get down to the nuts & bolts of it. It's because the issue seems like a mystery that it can feel like it would take ages to solve. And that's not the case!

Ahhh...it is really clear once you're inside. We have divided everything up into neat packages so there's no confusion. And you have that added BONUS of all the treatment plans to tell you the path to follow. Simple.

This question makes us cry because the difference between Google & Boobology couldn't be bigger. Boobology is the place you find clarity and reason for your trouble. Google is the place that provides a whole lot of something but with no context or detailed plan as to what to do. That's why you're HERE!

Well in a word, Yes. Antibiotics are work against bacteria. BUT many issues that the bacteria got hold of your breast is that foundation framework of the breast that is in need of some help. Otherwise you remain in a vulnerable position to get mastitis again.

That's a great Q. Think about it this way. When you have done your massage before did you know what you were aiming to do? And if your answer is to drain the breast out through the nipple, then we know you wont have tried what we educate women to do with our massage treatment approach! It's just the way it is.

You don't need to. That's the short answer. The longer part is that our videos are so clear and step-by-step you cannot go wrong if you follow them. We have been teaching women in clinic for so many years, we know our strategy comes across. We even know from our testimonials with the successes women have. Don't worry, you'll do GREAT!

Unlucky means you have no avenue to change it. And that's simply not true. We are here to show why you ARE NOT unlucky and how to get rid of the "unluckiness" you may think you have!

You can if you like. It's always a choice. I guess that depends on how fed up you are with the problem and your goals with your breastfeeding experience. That will help determine your readiness!

It's always worth looking at latch. It's just that it's a common one to blame for breast health problems when we've found so much more in the anatomy that is responsible.

Enrol in Boobology Today

$115 / + GST in Aust.

  • 12 MONTH subscription
  • Watch at your own pace
  • The ONLY practical course of its kind for MAMAS
  • Clear tutorial videos so it's easy to apply