Mastitis Rescue

Know what to do for mastitis and blocked ducts when you NEED it MOST, with this video demonstration short-course.

E&K - Portrait

"This course is a must-do! The massage techniques and overall education provided helped me conquer mastitis and feel prepared if I ever get it again! Way more helpful than any doctor has been!"


The info you've been looking for!

Why Mastitis Rescue is the course you need right now! Watch this.

tell me, is this you?

  • 1

    You've been told to massage mastitis & blocked ducts but you can't find decent info on how to do it

  • 2

    You find it confusing and worrying to know what pressure to use for breast massage so you don't damage yourself

  • 3

    You've heard that massaging the wrong way can be disastrous and you want to get it right

  • 4

    You don't actually understand breast tissue so not sure where to start with treating it with massage

  • 5

    You've read conflicting advice on the internet & instead want some clear guidance from experienced professionals

  • 6

    You've heard that we are the girls to trust because we have been teaching breast therapy to women for years

Imagine if...

You had a clear strategy as to what to do right now, taught to you by breast health professionals

You could just get back to comfortable breastfeeding or pumping and know what to do straight away if this ever happens again

It was a simple as following some videoed techniques for a few minutes to get rid of the problem

You can get what you need...

Mastitis Rescue massage 4


mastitis treatment

The clinical course to take breastfeeding mamas from panicking to empowered in minutes.

Who this course is for:


You have MASTITIS, you don't know what to do AND would love an experienced health professional to guide you through a treatment plan, step-by-step


You've got a lump you think is a BLOCKED DUCT and want to clear it out, but know you should never press firmly into your breast, SO WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?


You're sick of mastitis and blocked ducts, heard about Your Two Jugs  and thought I might as well find out WHY so many women rave about our courses

This is WHY mamas LOVE Mastitis Rescue...

"I felt mastitis coming on around 3am hard and fast, I spent the whole day in pain feeling absolutely horrible & couldn’t get into any doctors as they were all booked out!

Later that night I found Your Two Jugs on instagram and purchased a Mastitis Rescue course right away. I immediately started using all the massage techniques and did them regularly.

I woke up the next morning feeling SO MUCH better! I kept doing the massage techniques during the next day and I felt back to normal basically 1 day after getting mastitis. Thank you so much!"

Keri, Northland, New Zealand

"As a chronic mastitis sufferer, Mastitis Rescue is a game changer, definitely worth the investment! "

Emma, NSW, Australia

"Very helpful and highly recommend! Managed to avoid antibiotics."

Kylie, Northland, New Zealand

"Really appreciate Katie and Elise of Your Two Jugs. I would get so stressed and scared when things weren’t feeling normal in my breasts. I tend to think « worst case scenario » but their IG content and your Mastitis Rescue course helped me out tremendously and put me at ease.

I know my family was also very grateful because when mom isn’t doing well, no one is. Thank you so much! You are my top recommendation for any new moms in my life. ."

Dominique, Saskatchewan Canada

"Really practical, informative and useful! I immediately thought of all the great mastitis advice I had seen on your instagram when my 3rd bout of mastitis came around, and decided to try your mastitis rescue course.

Really helped me to recover and feeling confident that this would clear up and I am thankful that applying these techniques worked well for met"

Hildur, Reykjavik, Iceland

breast massage to reduce inflammation
Katie Stretching

What's inside the course

A Mastitis Rescue module of the best clinical techniques including lymphatic drainage

What a blocked duct physically is and what you can to do for a blocked duct 

A chat about antibiotics and when they are indicated in mastitis + what to do moving forward

Learn the mistakes most mamas make with breast massage PLUS how & why you should do it differently!

How to advance your breast treatment skills FAST to help you improve your breast health ASAP.


module 1

Mastitis Rescue Techniques

We explain your breast structure & function in simple language and how it results in mastitis PLUS our best techniques to work through acute mastitis pain & swelling AND how to get rid of THAT lump that can be stubborn to reduce

module 2

Think you have a blocked duct?

Get the most recent updates on how to approach a blockage without damage or irritating your tissue further PLUS understand why massaging towards the nipple is NOT recommended

module 3

What's next?

The next steps to approaching the challenge of mastitis and blocked ducts! Let's talk about antibiotics and mastitis, how to improve your breast health and the FAQ's to troubleshoot your breast challenge.


We are Elise and Katie

How do we know all this about breasts?

It's our day-job! We're Australian university-educated professional health care practitioners, who've dedicated years to studying and treating breastfeeding breasts and the issues that occur in 1000's of women, all in our Melbourne Mastitis Clinic, Australia.

From our breast-nerd studies & clinical work, we become really good at explaining the breast issues in easy language, and highly skilled to teach breastfeeding mamas how to help themselves with their own hands.

And now you also have the opportunity to learn.

Self Breastfeeding Treatment Classes | Mastitis | Blocked Duct | Breast Massage | Your Two Jugs

Is Mastitis Rescue
right for you?


You have mastitis or a blocked duct and you want clear guidance and information on what to do right now.

Easy-to-follow videos and information, designed for the breastfeeding mother to get the best advice from a trusted source.


This program is not for you if you are not willing to follow a direct formula to heal your breast tissue.

If you don't want to spend a couple of minutes 3-4 times a day helping yourself.


Mastitis Rescue exposes that missing info for breastfeeding & pumping mamas.

Mastitis Rescue

  • The simple $15 course that has saved many breastfeeding journeys
  • Video-tutorials from skilled professionals
  • 3 MONTHS subscription
  • Fast and easy strategies & techniques to learn
  • Eliminate the stress and overwhelm that mastitis and blockages causes

$15 (+ GST in Aust.)

Mastitis Rescue massage 1

You and your baby deserve the best opportunity to succeed together

It's time to put yourself first and get clear advice from experienced professionals. 

Mastitis Rescue is the only short-course of it's kind that breaks down mastitis so you can understand YOUR breast AND treat it confidently with clinical techniques.

Breastfeeding mamas are thrilled with Mastitis Rescue because it MAKES SENSE!


You wont have tried this. Think about this...who has actually truly explained the process of your issue and how all the anatomy of the breast creates the scenario? It will be no one. We know this because we can't find anyone doing what we do either!! is really clear once you're inside. We have divided everything up into neat packages so there's no confusion. And you have that added BONUS of all the treatment plans to tell you the path to follow. Simple.

This question makes us cry because the difference between Google & Mastitis Rescue couldn't be bigger. Mastitis Rescue provides the simple facts and is the place you find clarity. Google is the place that provides a whole lot of something but with no context or detailed plan as to what to do. That's why you're HERE!

Well in a word, Yes. Antibiotics are work against bacteria. BUT many issues that the bacteria got hold of your breast is that foundation framework of the breast that is in need of some help. Otherwise you remain in a vulnerable position to get mastitis again.

That's a great Q. Think about it this way. When you have done your massage before did you know what you were aiming to do? And if your answer is to drain the breast out through the nipple, then we know you wont have tried what we educate women to do with our massage treatment approach! It's just the way it is.

You don't need to. That's the short answer. The longer part is that our videos are so clear and step-by-step you cannot go wrong if you follow them. We have been teaching women in clinic for so many years, we know our strategy comes across. We even know from our testimonials with the successes women have. Don't worry, you'll do GREAT!

Unlucky means you have no avenue to change it. And that's simply not true. We are here to show why you ARE NOT unlucky and how to get rid of the "unluckiness" you may think you have!

You can if you like. It's always a choice. I guess that depends on how fed up you are with the problem and your goals with your breastfeeding experience. That will help determine your readiness! Maybe YOU are finally worth the investment though!!

It's always worth looking at latch. It's just that it's a common one to blame for breast health problems when we've found so much more in the anatomy that is responsible. But what about YOU right now. Aren't you needing help for YOU? That's WHY you are here...reading this.